Lalita Lowe

Fashion Advisory Board RMIT
Lalita Lowe is the author of ‘It’s time to rethink your fashion – Creating a better future”. To rethink fashion is to examine our values by understanding the impact that our clothes have on the planet and the role we all play with our buying decisions and our overall thinking about the life of the clothes we wear.
This is a complex issue, one that is evolving daily. There is no doubt that a key element of this journey towards a more sustainable fashion future is education. Hence Lalita’s role as a sustainable fashion educator.
Lalita Lowe is a trained fashion designer and a sustainability educator. She has worked in fashion across the globe, from Australia to New York and Paris. She has been on the Fashion Advisory Board of one of Australia’s leading fashion schools, RMIT.
Lalita is a Keynote speaker and recently presented ‘Every piece of clothing has a story’ at TEDx Hobart 2024.
Lalita has her own eponymous fashion brand. Her recent campaign and collection Eterna focused on ‘farm to fibre to fashion’ made of ethical, sustainable wool from Tasmania captured the attention of the media and the industry.
Lalita has a global perspective, staying on the pulse of the industry as a whole. She has a keen intuition for where the industry is currently and where it is heading in the future.
Lalita has always had a fascination for fabrics and texture with an understanding that clothing is always connected to a process. This runs through the artisans around the world, who continue to use old world techniques to create extraordinary garments.