Rachael Downie

Rachael Downie B.AgrSci(Hons), M.Ed B.Teach.
Is your mindset holding you back in your business?
Rachael Downie is a success mentor and someone who is truly focused on converting your thinking into results. For the past decade she has worked with government, corporate teams and individuals, helping them to educate and set goals to make lasting changes, creating the results you want. Rachael began here career as a teacher with a background in agriculture and hospitality and branched out into consultancy and leadership.
Rachael teaches Bob Proctor’s proven methodology to spark dramatic change in your performance and your results. These teachings are based on more than 60 years of real-world experience and tremendous success. She is a top global consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute.
I work with solo entrepreneurs to CEOs of businesses locally to internationally – simply because we all have the same blockages, doubts, limited thinking, money and staffing issues. (and if you don’t you are probably one of the 3% who is an unconscious competent, who may find it difficult to transfer your success skills to your leadership teams, staff or family).