Gail Eaton-Briggs

I left the Tasmanian State Executive Service in 2019 to pursue my own practice, working with organisations, teams and individuals to achieve their own success.
Everywhen Solutions has been established as a way for me to share my experience and skills gained through 30 years of working in early childhood care and education, children family & youth services and vocational education and training. Some of my early career was on the “front line”, and then I’ve predominantly worked in executive roles in local and state government environments. Everywhen Solutions has been so named because it means at all times, always.
I’m doing lots of things in my practice. My motto is “doing the work I love with the people I connect with to get the outcomes we both want”.
To that end, much of my work is bespoke and I tailor a solution or a method based on the clients characteristics and their specific needs. A “client” can be an individual, a team, a board, a CEO – or any other description.
Here’s a summary:
- Thought Leader – I’ve developed a model Conscious Grit: the grit that you use to get unstuck when other grit keeps you stuck©
- Speaker – my keynotes and presentations are connected to the model. I use my personal story of an “unexpected crap hand” at the age of 22 to show that adversity, difficulties and challenges are catalyst moments for learning and developing. I aim to motivate and inspire individuals to move from feeling stuck to getting unstuck. I talk about how to use persistence, determination, tenacity, resilience, planning, future focus, big C Courage, authenticity, growth mindset, curiosity, adaptability at home and at work. I also talk about how fixed mindset, limiting beliefs and cognitive bias can hold you back. I focus on using “boss skills” to manage up, down, sideways and self, using relationship management, situational leadership and EQ.
- Author (nearly!) – I have my book of the same topic with my BETA readers currently. Will be published in the next 3 months. A snippet of feedback to date:
“ I’ll admit, books from the ‘personal development’ genre have never really appealed to me because they make me feel overwhelmed, like I need to change 100 things about myself or my practices right then and there! This book didn’t make me feel pressured to do that. It made me see how much my ‘crap hands’ have actually worked to make me the person I am and that that person is actually ok It has also made me see that being stuck in your ways is so detrimental to growth and that if you don’t try, you’ll never know.”
- Facilitator – Facilitation of strategic, operational and business planning processes, change processes, Family Group Conferences