Tracy Sheen

Tracy Sheen CPM (Certified Practicing Marketer)
Sheen is known as ‘The Digital Guide’. Working within the marketing and sales industry focused on small business since 1990 Tracy has seen numerous changes within the technology sector.
Tracy launched and leveraged the globally recognised podcast “Not Another Business Show”. As a result of the hundreds of small business owners she’s assisted over her career the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) has awards her with CPM (Certified Practicing Marketer) status.
Tracy Judge for the Australian Podcast Awards and Australian Business Book Awards Tracy is a sought after commentator and consultant within the small business sector.
Author to ‘The End of Technophobia: a practical guide to digitising your business’ Tracy has developed a reputation as an exceptional coach, facilitator and keynote presenter. Hosting webinars and online workshops throughout 2020 to assist business owners across Australia and Internationally to embrace the remote working environment COVID thrust upon us.