Penny Wolff

Penny Wolff BA(Drama), GradDipEd(Preservice), ExecGradCertBus(Leadership, Coach & Mentor), MEd(ECE), MAICD MACE MFIA
Director St Margaret’s Foundation Co-Founder Wolff Coffee Roasters Co-Founder Wolff College of Coffee Co-Founder Dandelion & Driftwood Ambassador Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust
Penny Wolff has crafted a niche in the realm of Specialty Coffee in Brisbane and beyond. Alongside co-founding Wolff Coffee Roasters, Penny has also created three very distinct brands in the retail coffee sector, with sippers leaving Dandelion & Driftwood Café, Queen of Pops Cafe and Big Bad Wolff Espresso Bar, with a sparkle in their eye and a little more coffee knowledge under their hat.
Penny also enjoys bringing a creative and educative touch to mastering the craft of all things coffee.The creation of Wolff College of Coffee has been a great platform to create new courses that keepvthe flow of knowledge moving. With an Australian Barista Championship up her sleeve, Penny is also certified World Barista Sensory Judge and World Latte Art Visual Judge.
Alongside her entrepreneurial drive, Penny also gives heavily to others through time, fundraising and philanthropic developments. In recognition of her giving spirit Penny was recently awarded the QCF SME Philanthropist of the Year Awards, with Wolff Coffee Roasters being responsible for the disbursement of funds both locally and to many communities of international coffee producers. Penny strives to be an entrepreneurial leader and believes it is necessary to continue to take on challenges personally and professionally. As a past Dancing CEO, Penny enjoyed stepping outside her comfort zone while raising awareness and considerable funds, to support Women’s Legal Service Queensland.
Penny believes no matter what you do, a little bit of kindness and gratitude goes a long way.