Julia Bunn

Julia Bunn B Occ Ther Hons 1
Occupational Therapist General Manager / Company Director, Easec Pty Ltd
Queensland President, Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association
I am passionate about the role of ‘work’ in the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. I remain committed to promoting the importance of work as one of the most influential factors on our physical and psychological well-being, and to ensuring that people with injuries, illnesses or other limitations are able to fully realise these health benefits now and into their future.
Building a human services business from the ground up has been one of my greatest challenges. With qualifications in occupational therapy and quality management, I have been fortunate to experience all primary aspects of the occupational health industry which has enabled a valuable hands-on approach to future service development in my business, Easec. As an experienced General Manager, I leverage off my skills in coaching, case management, workplace safety, ergonomics, and occupational health to promote industry development and grow my business into a world leading provider of human services. My role is to enable and inspire the fantastic people in my team and more broadly to flourish, and to activate the enormous potential of truly integrated occupational health.