Danielle Hughes Brown

Danielle Hughes Brown M.EdPub, MAICD

Danielle Hughes Brown is a Past WCEI Queensland President.

She is publisher/editor/founder of Queensland Magazines (est. 2004) which produces five magazines in print and online. She has a Master of Editing and Publishing (USQ) and a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism/Marketing). She is a licensed Real Estate Agent and owns Space Property South Brisbane with her husband.

During 30 years in media, Danielle has been VOGUE magazines Queensland manager and a Zone Manager for News Limited’s Quest Newspapers in Brisbane, as well as marketing manager for Brisbane Arcade. She has also worked in media and marketing for Clemenger Advertising and Sanctuary Cove.

Danielle is a qualified member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking from the National Finance Institute. She also has a Graduate Certificate in FinTech from UNSW.

She has been a Brisbane Junior Chamber of Commerce executive, Abused Child Trust committee member and on the St Laurence’s College Centenary Committee.

Danielle believes good leadership involves envisioning the big picture and empowering team members to think creatively and act decisively.