WCEI QLD Exclusive Gold Coast Luncheon and Gallery Tour at HOTA, Home of the Arts

Set in tropical parklands with the Surfers Paradise Skyline as the backdrop, the newly opened contemporary Arts and culture precinct, HOTA, Home of the Arts welcomed Women Chiefs of Enterprises International members and guests for an exclusive Gallery tour guided by HOTA CEO, Criena Gehrke and Gallery and Visual Arts Director, Tracy Cooper-Lavery on 25th June 2021.
The tour was followed by a special luncheon at HOTA’S Palette restaurant with a personally designed menu by highly acclaimed Chef, Dayan Hartill-Law, during which our hosts gave us an insight into the inspiration, workings and vision of HOTA, followed by a Q&A.
It was inspirational to hear from these two dynamic women and leaders in the Arts, who have overseen the development of this extraordinary project. We relished hearing their stories and understanding their commitment to building momentum for a richer, deeper arts and culture experience for the Gold Coast.
Now, the gallery has unveiled its latest exhibition, as outlined below.
Creation stories: works of wonder and mystery
The passion of our Lyrical Landscapes: The Art of William Robinson guest curator, Dame Quentin Bryce, has flowed through the halls of HOTA Gallery since the very conception of the exhibition.
A consistent champion of one of Australia’s greatest artists, their friendship was born from a fateful crossing of paths when Bryce attended one of Robinson’s musical performances during her schoolgirl years. She could never imagine that an enduring, unshakeable admiration between the pair would soon follow and grow to become a bond of two great intellectuals with a shared passion for art, music, and culture.
We’re fortunate to have Quentin’s own words:
I am told there are three categories of art-gallery goers: those who look for a few minutes to check out the names and titles; those who spend 30 minutes reading interpretative panels and thinking about them; and those who like to sit for hours to absorb the art, perhaps to dream. Seats, then, are a must for the latter.
For this amateur curator, it has been an enriching and rewarding learning experience to observe the craft, organisation, teamwork, and exquisite attention to detail driving this new exhibition at the new Gallery at HOTA, Home of the Arts, Surfers Paradise, an exhibition dedicated to the work of my friend William Robinson.
Immediately, it was obvious that before us was the most splendid opportunity to unite the sublime landscapes painted by our artist at the height of his powers. These works of wonder and mystery are grand in every aspect, spiritual in concept, and monumental in scope: they are the seven symphonic works that comprise the Creation series (1988-2004).
And let’s not forget that awe-inspiring, epic exaltation of the Australian landscape, The Rainforest (1990). This much-lauded, simply titled painting was awarded the Wynne Prize in 1990. It carries deep meaning for Gold Coast art lovers, who raised funds to acquire it for the Gallery the following year.
You can read the full piece on the HOTA website here where you can also purchase tickets for the exhibition.

WCEI Queensland President Catherine MacMillan

WCEI Queensland President-Elect Danielle Hughes Brown

Dame Quentin Bryce