Uniting Across Borders: How a Global Network of Women Empowers and Inspires Through Shared Passion and Connection

With just under 70 days left until the 2024 FCEM World Congress in Sydney, Andrea Plawutsky, WCEI National President, invites you to dive into the excitement and share in the journey of this remarkable event. In our latest video, Andrea reflects on past gatherings and unveils what’s in store for this year’s 71st World Congress in Sydney.

Join us and 500 dynamic women from around the world for an extraordinary experience where we’ll connect, collaborate, and celebrate the power of global unity. Embrace this opportunity to build new friendships, expand your network, and be part of a movement that proves “alone we are invisible, together we are invincible.”

Register Now: https://www.wcei.com.au/2024fcemworldcongress/


Andrea Plawutsky
It’s going to be a microcosm of the world. It truly will be a mix of women from all over. When I went to my first conference globally, I went to Mauritius, and the first day, we did a sightseeing tour, and I sat on a bus with a woman from France and a woman from Armenia, and to this day, I now consider them good friends. It’s a generous group of women who share their knowledge with each other, and they share their spirit, and they share just a passion for making the world a better place in their own field, but many of them do many things across philanthropy and support, mentoring. It’s just, I’ve never met a group of women. There’s often people will say, when they come and meet us, they go, I’ve met my tribe. So everyone brings something different to the story and to the conversations. Everyone coming together from around the world. It really is powerful. And I think one of the things to recognise as women chiefs of enterprises International, we’re in countries that many of us wouldn’t have connections in before. So when we came to Paris, we’re bringing together the women of Madagascar, the women of Mauritius, the women of Morocco, the women of Argentina and Peru and Brazil. Like it’s a really, truly global environment, the women from Taiwan, the women from Australia. The joy really came out is the women came together, dancing impromptu. There was a backup singer that was meant to be just sort of the background music at the cocktail function on the opening night. And after 15 minutes of them playing and this woman with a really powerful voice, suddenly you could see everyone gravitating to the dance floor and the energy and the enthusiasm. It didn’t matter if we spoke the same language. It didn’t matter if we came from the same industry or the same culture. We were all sisters. We were all in it together. And it was just it was like letting go of politics of the world and just coming together in such a joyful way and enjoying ourselves. It’s a sense of understanding each other. We’re speaking the same language, and one member equates it to when I started my business. WCI was the parachute when I jumped out of the plane of starting my own business globally. Our theme is alone, we are invisible. Together. We are invincible.

In the end, October is going to be blooms of sunshine. It’s going to be women just enjoying each other’s company. We’ve got the formal side, with ambassadors and consuls and members of parliament joining us. We’ve got the informal side of the social evenings. We cannot bring 400 women from around the world to Sydney and not take them out on Sydney Harbour. So we have a boat cruise planned, which will be brilliant. We are about helping people expand their horizons. They’re coming to enrich their lives with new connections, new friendships, new ways of looking at things, looking with a new new set of eyes. Absolutely come. You cannot afford not to come. It’s the inspiration that you need to take you forward into the future.