WCEI Membership Is By Introduction
Potential members must fulfil the following criteria:
- Overall, she shows initiative, leadership and diversity of interests in her career and personal life, and as an entrepreneur or business owner, she has owned and operated for a minimum of three years a business or service that generates sufficient income to be her major livelihood.
- As an executive, she has functioned at a senior level in an organisation. This may include a position in a not-for-profit organisation.
- Her role should involve decision-making and responsibility for policies, goals and strategies for the organisation. Responsibility for financial management of the organisation or division.
Therefore, membership consists of:
- Women Business Owners (80%)
- Business Women with strategic and financial accountability in their organisation
- Other agreed ‘categories’
In order to reflect the entrepreneurial nature of the organisation the breakdown of these two key categories in the membership should reflect a ratio of 80% entrepreneurs to 20% (other) business women. However, it is recognised that for a Division for example such as ACT, where the demographic is chiefly comprised of government departments and the education sector, such an objective may not be achievable. In such cases, the key objective is to secure members who “show initiative, leadership and diversity of interests in their career and personal life.”
- Membership criteria are at the discretion of the National Council and the methodology of membership ratification and maintenance should be determined by the National Council conducted on a bi-annual basis.
- Membership should reflect a representation across the spectrum of business and cultural areas.
- The Division Council in its absolute discretion shall decide if any potential members is acceptable for membership.
- A nominee normally residing in Australia upon becoming a member shall be registered in the Division in which her address falls unless specified with her application that she desires to be registered as a member of another Division.
No member shall be registered in more than one Division at any time. However, transfer of membership to another Division is supported and expected of the new Division.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a member, please contact your State President below.
State Office Bearers
Queensland State President:
- Suzanne Bosanquet
President Elect:
- Position Vacant
Immediate Past President:
- Danielle Hughes Brown
Executive Committee:
- Suzanne Bosanquet
- Nicole Beasley
- Jano Kotzas
- Kate Greaves
- Virgina Bishop