Caron Forde

Caron Forde BMBS (Flinders) FRACOG FRANZCOG FRCOG (Lond)
WCEI Qld State President 2015 -2017 Zonta Club of Brisbane River
Dr Caron Forde is Director of Gynaecology and the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital. She is the first women to hold these positions. She has recently been appointment to the Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia. In 2011, Dr Forde won a Scholarship from Perpetual Foundation + JS Love Trust to complete the Australian Institute of Company Directors Not for Profit Board Course.
Dr Caron Forde’s clinical practice has been wide and varied. In 2010 she was the Gynaecologist for the International Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 1994, with the aid of Sister Angela Mary, Dr Forde helped establish the first women’s health clinic for Indigenous women staffed by women at the Aboriginal and Islander Health Centre Woolloongabba. Over her career, she has provided obstetric and gynaecological care to both private and public patients in both city and country clinics.
Currently Dr Forde provides the full range of gynaecological services. Dr Forde is associated with Monash IVF when caring for infertility couples. Her special interests are pelvic floor medicine which involves women with incontinence issues, women whose breast cancer treatment cause gynaecological problems, problems like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, menopausal changes. Dr Forde has been at the forefront developing the Robotic surgical program particularly for benign gynaecological conditions at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital.